Understanding Your Culture: Mirror Neurons at Work

Understanding Your Culture: Mirror Neurons at Work

Based on a True StoryImagine a cage full of monkeys, a bunch of bananas hanging from the ceiling, and a ladder leaning on a nearby wall. Soon, a monkey decides to move the ladder under the bananas to better reach them. However, when that monkey starts to climb the...
Discover the Hidden Power of Culture

Discover the Hidden Power of Culture

We often find ourselves drawn to the tangible and measurable aspects of running organizations, including results, profits, or customer satisfaction. However, Tom Peters, a renowned figure in the realm of management thinking, has long emphasized the importance of the...
Essential Leadership Skills to Inspire Better Performances

Essential Leadership Skills to Inspire Better Performances

Thrilled to partner with ITA Group, Inc. to share perspectives on how to develop confidently vulnerable leaders that can be effective no matter where your teams work. Read More SearchSearch Recent Posts Essential Leadership Skills to Inspire Better...


Culture Snapshot

Culture Snapshot
